Sunday 23 October 2011

FYP1 - Proposal 3

Research Topic
Human’s impact to the nature

Nature is most important to everyone. Man created art, science and urbanism which has turned into a big enemy to our nature. We as a human, destroying nature for our needs. Most of them among us nowadays doesn’t realize our mistakes towards nature.This project would help to make them realize their fault towards our nature.

Problem Identification
As a species we have lived in wild nature for hundreds of thousands of years, and now suddenly most of us live in cities. Natural areas most affected by urban growth contain some of the highest concentrations of endemic species in the world.The impact of urbanism towards nature is very high.

Aim and Objectives
To let people keep awareness of the impact of urbanism towards th e nature.
To provide a different way of educate the importance of nature
To highlight humankind’s fragile and influencial relationship with the earth

Ideation or Concept
There will be projection of trees on the wall.when someone come and touch the trees, the trees will burn or die.the viewers presence responsible for either burning or growing the tree.

                                          I have got my idea based on this video

FYP1 - Proposal 2

Research Topic
Human’s impact to the nature

Nature is most important to everyone. Man created art, science and urbanism which has turned into a big enemy to our nature. We as a human, destroying nature for our needs. Most of them among us nowadays doesn’t realize our mistakes towards nature.This project would help to make them realize their fault towards our nature.

Problem Identification
As a species we have lived in wild nature for hundreds of thousands of years, and now suddenly most of us live in cities. Natural areas most affected by urban growth contain some of the highest concentrations of endemic species in the world.The impact of urbanism towards nature is very high.

Aim and Objectives
To let people keep awareness of the impact of urbanism towards th e nature.
To provide a different way of educate the importance of nature

Ideation or Concept
There will be projection of forest on the wall.when someone pass the wall,the forest will turn into an urbanized area with a very hot and sunny background.after a while,it will turn back to will turn only if anyone crossed it.

                                  this video has slightly similar concept as mine

FYP 1 - Proposal 1

Research Topic
Learning the importance of nature

children and curiosity are inseparable. They are curious on each and everything .They want to know everything around them and how their world work. Babies learn by interacting with people around them, using their senses. Since early years are crucial for their brain development, you need to support and guide them. They are learning while playing.

Problem Identification
Kids can't sit quietly is the most headache problem to the parents. Compare sitting down to study, they prefer playing and walk around although it is wasting time and get dirt on their body. Kids actually hard to differentiate what is good for them and what is not. The question they always like to ask is what, how, why, where and when.

Aim and Objectives
Playing while learning is the easiest way for children to remember.

To educate children about the importance of nature in a different way.
To motivate the children on how to be more friendly to nature in interesting way.

Ideation or Concept
There will be a graphic of nature (trees,flowers,rabbits,deers,and etc) projected on the wall. Children can interact with the graphic by using their hand. If the child touches hard ,the nature will move away and disappear. If the child touch it gently, they nature will be more friendly and interact with the child.these will teach the child to be friendly to the nature.summore,when the child touches any of the the nature’s creature the name of the creature will appear there.they can learn the name of those creatures as well.This will educate them more about nature.

                                      This video is slightly similar to my concept


Hai everyone, my name is Yuwana vani Ganapathy, ID is 1081102742.

I'm from Faculty of Creative Multimedia, Multimedia University, Cyberjaya, Bachelor in Multimedia majoring in Digital Media, Delta (Final) Year.

The purpose of creating this blog is for my Final Year Project (FYP) journal on the subject called Design Project 1 (MMD3033).Will be updating here everything related to my FYP.

Please leave comment so that i could improve on my project____ =)